A brand-spankin'-new UK tantra festival

You're invited
To our shiny new tantra creation, where you’ll find the perfect combination of an intimate retreat and fabulous festival vibe.
Guided by world-class facilitators into breathwork, manifestation, power-play, tantric transformation and creative expression workshops.
This brand-new tantra festival (with a little extra sparkle) is a personal invitation to dance your own dance with every bit of your being, and to do it with a cheeky smile on your face; an inner knowing that you are worthy, you are beautiful AND that you carry your very own ‘once-in-a-universe’ magic
- so bring it along and let’s play!
Explore the Elements
Unforgettable music, dance and tantra workshops
to consciously ground, connect, release, and ignite.

A grounding day... Land and set up camp for your very own festival of magick and mischief.
We immerse ourselves together in nature discover this new world that will become your home for 4 days. We gather to create a meadow mandala, open the field, set intentions and connect with our new festival family.

Embracing the fluid way of being we dive together into a day rippling with enchanting workshops, of flowing movement medicine, an Inapproapriate Tea Party and Ecstatic Dance!
What happens when you surrender to the flow of life and ride the waves like a dolphin?

Time to ignite! From within, awakening and activating... - what does your true spark really look like?
Feel the warmth in your heart as we awaken our kundalini energy, allow your feet to set the dancefloor on fire with contact improv, playfight your way to love and see what mischief unfolds in the Temple of Tomfoolery as we step in A Midsummer Night's Dream!

Find your wings and lets play up high!
Lift into weightlessness with sound journeying in singing bowls, gentle, energetic movement, expansion and a real state of bliss.
Making the magick happen...

Sarah Jayne Smith
Facilitating Magick worldwide; Tantra Therapist, Physical Theatre Director, Retreat Organiser, Author and Festival Founder of Fabulousness...

Ronald Cheape
Guardian of Perrymill Land, sound healer, body worker and our marvellous host.
Join our community
A light sprinkle of magick to your inbox, none of the mischief
(unless we know you'll enjoy it).